Sunday, May 23, 2010

The End of the Year

Well, it is the end-of-the-school year! With a high pitched almost tangible frenzy in the air at school, I am feeling excited about summer, proud of my students accomplishments and yet I am feeling a little melancholy as well. The older I get, the more I realize that change is hard. The end of every school year brings changes to my little world. Our school will have teachers moving to different grade levels, students shuffled into different classes, and I will have a new batch of promising readers in August...a fine mix of "newbies" and "veterans."

As I have been administering the required end-of-the-year reading assessments, I have been able to reflect about what went well this year and what I would like to improve on next year. Here is my progress report: This year I think I did a really good job of nurturing a love for reading with my students. We laughed, cried and discussed lots and lots of great books. That is good...Grade=A. On the other hand, breaking words into syllables to decode continues to be tricky for my students...Grade= C+. I diligently collected photos and video clips of my students and I will give them a digital portfolio of their reading development along with their writing journals as a gift...Grade= A. I could go on and on, but certainly I did a good job in a lot of areas and of course there is room for improvement in others.

It is hard evaluating yourself honestly, but I know it is one of the most important tools that teachers can use to promote personal growth as professionals. I would love to hear about your personal successes and perhaps areas that you could improve upon as a teacher. After all, change is hard but oh so important!

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