Monday, February 1, 2010

50th Anniversary of Woolworth Sit-In

This morning, I was mentally preparing myself for what my mini-lesson would be during Reader's Cafe when I was stopped by a teacher down the hall sharing with me that today marks the 50th anniversary of the sit-in at Woolworth's.  She showed me this book was in our book collection.  My mind began working in overdrive because earlier this month we listened to the book March On by the sister of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here's what we'd do:  I'd hook up the elmo so they could see the pictures enlarged and we'd jot our thinking and questions throughout the book.  I wanted to see what information they could pull from the previous read aloud and draw conclusions on their own.

I'd never read this book before but the illustrations brought the experience to life.  My treasures could see the difference between the white and black drinking fountains.  They began to recognize how hard it was back then for folks of different color.  Later that day, we were reading Time For Kids when the back had a timeline of the Path To Freedom.  The Greensboro Sit-in was on it.

But, for them it's a topic of study as for me.  During a professional development time with Lester Laminack, he was sharing how everything can be taught using picture books.  He began sharing some wonderful literature about the Civil Rights Movement.  He made a statement that I've been marinating on ever since...for those 40 and under, the Civil Rights Movement is a topic of study. It's not real to them.  For those over 40, we lived it. 
For students to understand history, they need to read about it through powerful literature and read alouds.  They need to read fiction, non-fiction, and literary non-fiction.  Getting a collection of books for your unit of study will make it real for your treasures.  Tomorrow, a follow-up discussion.  Some things cannot be planned!  Live in the moment and enjoy your treasures!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Shelly! I love the way you are so fearless in your teaching and learning. Read on, Sister! Your treasures will benefit from it.
